XtGem Forum catalog
Terms of use

If you want to start earning you must be a adult. Your age should be 18 to 18+. If you want to join with me you should follow the site rules strictly. If you try to trick with us your earning will be removed.

Site rules:
(1) You must be atleast 18 years old.

(2) You must be visit our site monthly atleast three times. Without it our team won't help you to earn money.

(3) You should not add adult content. It is strictly forbidden by this site's team.

(4)You should make sure that you can work 7 hours in a month.

(5) You should be a regular publisher. You should message us and visit our help zone monthly one time

Our team will see your work performance. If you do your work nicely you will get a prize of 10$ in a month.